What is divorce COACHING?
Legal/Finances/Relationships/Family/Custody/Real Estate/Career/​
Divorce is a huge transition, and a confusing time for most people. A good Coach will lead you through the process and help you find answers to your questions. A Coach will point you in the direction of the right professionals when you need them, such as attorneys and/or mediators, and will save you money by making sure that you are prepared with materials and questions for your meetings with these highly paid professionals. We will have you see financial planners if necessary, real estate appraisers, etc.
One client said having a Coach was the difference between taking a dirt road in a covered wagon versus a limousine with a GPS. Divorce is never easy, but I hope to make it as smooth as possible for my clients, help them avoid some of the pitfalls that can befall someone with no knowledge of the system, and get them up and off into their new lives with a positive excited outlook.

Private Divorce Coaching
Seminars & Workshops